In recent years we have witnessed a significant increase in the number of passengers to developing countries. Travel medicine is a subject that requires constant knowledge and updating. Here are the updated general guidelines:
It is important to note that each traveler is advised to contact a certified travel clinic at least one month prior to the date of his departure, for the purpose of receiving individual professional consultation, and the required vaccinations accordingly.
The doctor will ask you about:
Type of trip (backpacking, organized, family visit, business trip)
Duration of trip (up to one month or more)
Type of accommodation (guesthouses, nature or hotels)
Target areas on the trip (regular tourist route or jungles)
Season of the Year
Habits and adventurous tendencies in eating, drinking, etc. (Adventure traveler)
Previous vaccinations
Chronic illnesses (including immunosuppression), permanent medical treatment, allergies, G6PD deficiency etc.
Trip budget and personal preferences.
After receiving all the data, the consultation should be divided into several topics:
It is recommended to visit a dentist and perform any necessary treatment before traveling
It is recommended to stock all medicines prescribed for the entire period of the trip (including pills)
Routine immunizations (recommended for the entire population regardless of the destination):
Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertusis (dTap): The validity is for 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of wound. The addition of pertussis in the past year is intended to increase the level of immunity and prevent outbreaks.
Hepatitis A: It is recommended to find out whether the immunization schedule is complete: two injections within a 6 month interval. Anyone who has received a single shot in the past is advised to get another injection. Two injections provide a decent protection for many years, possibly for life.
Jaundice - Hepatitis B It is recommended to find out whether the immunization schedule is complete (three injections in 0-1-6 months). If so, the level of protection is maintained for many years, possibly for life.
Influenza vaccination: recommendations for influenza vaccination: anyone over the age of 50, children over the age of 6 months, pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy, and people with chronic diseases, whether traveling to the winter or all year round to tropical regions.
Pneumonia vaccine: Any person over the age of 65 and all those in risk groups.
Vaccinations for Third World Travel:
Typhoid: recommended for most travelers, one shot provides protection for 3 years.
Polio: For travelers to countries still infected with the disease (several countries in Africa and Asia only). Immunization: 10 years.
Meningococcus: Recommended for travelers who travel over 30 days to endemic areas in South-Central America, Africa and Asia. It is mandatory for the immigrants to Mecca (required every 3 years), and for the duration of the trip to Africa in the area of the "Meningitis belt". Vaccination durartion: 5 years.
Japanese meningitis (encephalitis): For travelers over one month (continuous or cumulative) to endemic regions in East Asia, in the "infection season" of the disease (different in each region). The vaccine should be started a month before the trip because it is a series of vaccines.
Yellow fever: For travelers to South America and Africa. It is important to get the vaccine at least 10 days before entering the infected area. Immunization: 10 years. Since this is a attenuated live vaccine, it is forbidden to vaccinate people who are immunocompromised, pregnant women and infants up to the age of 9 months. Caution should be exercised over the age of 60 in view of the increased risk of side effects.
Rabies: For adventurous travelers who plan to visit rabid areas, in nature reserves, away from regular health services. The vaccine provides protection for two years.
Mumps, Measles, Rubella (MMR): Completion of 2 vaccines if there is no documentation of immunity.
Tuberculin will be tested for people who are going to endemic countries for TB, for regular travelers who leave for a year or more, and for passengers at special risk, such as health workers who work in their profession, immunocompromised, infants, children whose caregiver will be a resident of the Andaman state.
Avoiding mosquito bites: Regular use of mosquito repellent, containing DEET at a concentration of 25% or more. Make sure to sleep in a room with windows nets or use mosquito nets.
Drinking mineral water or clean water (by iodine, chlorine or boiling): Do not add ice for drinking.
Preventive treatment against malaria: It is important to note that malaria is a serious disease that can cause death even with proper treatment. Since there is still no vaccine, there is a clear recommendation to take preventative treatment by region and type of trip. There are several drugs suitable for use such as Chloroquine-Plaquenil, Atovaquone-Proguanil, Doxycycline, Primaquine, Mefloquine. Each drug has its own side effects and adverse effects, so the recommendation must be made individually. It is important to emphasize that the treatment begins before entering the infected area, during the entire period of stay in an infected area and several days to 4 weeks after leaving the infected area.
Mountain sickness: For travelers planning to reach 2500 meters or more.
The symptoms are similar to pulmonary edema and / or cerebral edema. Acetazolamide (Diamox) can be prevented or reduced by a dose of 125-250 twice a day, two days before climbing till the first two days at a height of over 2500 m. It is recommended to go up gradually and allow the body to acclimatize. You can also use oxygen and also advised to rest in the first few days, if no benefit should drop immediately at least 1000 meters!
Traveler's Diarrhea: The patient can be equipped with several Imodium tablets and antibiotics from the Quinolones family for treatment when needed. (Eg Ciprofloxacin 500 mg or azithromycin 250 mg, twice a day for 3 days).
for example -
(for the time being we do not hold yellow fever vaccines)